Platform 1
Legal Services, Architecture, Engineering, Scientific Research, Mining, Event Management
About Us
Platform 1 is the market leader in Business Owner Transition. We provide business owners with a successful full or partial exit over time through finding highly talented leaders with capital, to work in the business and grow it. This allows the current owner to start stepping back over time.
For exiting owners, Platform 1 is an alternative to a trade sale, where the owner can fully transition their business while working less, generating greater returns and maintaining their legacy. This is achieved through Platform 1’s executive search capability, placing an incoming talented Leader, with capital, to gradually buy equity while they grow the business.
For capable business leaders, looking to acquire a business, Platform 1 matches you with businesses, where the owner is looking for an exit over time. You will transition into the business, invest, drive the business to the next level, while increasing your shareholding over time.

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