Emergency Consult
Public Health Services, Mental Health & Counseling, Family & Support Services, Hospitals, Vets
Available 24-hours, 7-days
Driving Directions:
No physical clinic; consults are conducted online through the emergencyconsult.co.nz website
About Us
Emergency Consult provides 24-hour urgent care remotely. Established by a team of emergency medicine veterans, the service provides web-based video consults on-demand. In the three years it has been operating Emergency Consult has proven incredibly popular – not only with the New Zealand public but also with the many healthcare providers who leverage the on-call service. Emergency Consult’s team of Emergency Medicine doctors provide virtual support to hospital EDs, rural clinics, nurse-led clinics, and pharmacies. And a team of senior Registered Nurses provide COVID care, acute care triage, and aged care support.

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