Business Owners Programme
Date and Time
Thursday Jun 5, 2025
Union Square Business Hub
204 Anglesea Street
Hamilton CBD
Members - $5,499+gst
Non-members - $6,249+gst
Note: this programme is registered for Management Capability Funding, which may be available through the Regional Business Partner Network.
Limited scholarships through our partners is also available, email to enquire.
Contact Information
Jenny MacGregor
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Waikato Chamber of Commerce is excited to partner with Icehouse to deliver the Business Owner Programme. This programme provides a unique learning environment for business owners, in three full days of learning, over three months. The program will provide you with the tools, support, and connections to drive progress and create a better business.
Who is it for?
This is a practical three-month programme for business owners where you'll have he opportunity to learn new business skills, network and redesign your business for the future. The programme is designed for owners of businesses with revenue between $1M and $3M and staff three or more.
What is it?
Begin the programme by completing our Centrigrade online tool to learn about the strengths and opportunities for growth in your business.
Over three months you will attend three full-day workshops. These will be interactive sessions where you apply your learning to your business and share experience and ideas with other business owners.
In addition to the monthly workshops, you can meet with an Icehouse business coach for a focused one on one session to boost progress of your Business Growth Plan for an additional fee.
What do I get?
- Deciding where your business will operate and how you will win in the future
- Driving growth from the top - Leadership, Mindset & Resilience
- Building a high performing team and culture in your business
- Transforming how your business wins sales and why customers choose you
- Generating growth through digital / social media channels
- Build a Business Growth Plan to keep you focused
Your Programme
Facilitator: Jamie Brock
Jamie Brock is the leader of The Icehouse in the Bay of Plenty region and works
with a number of Icehouse customers, helping them to improve their business performance. He challenges business owners? thinking, pushing and encouraging them to go further than they thought possible.
Programme Dates - Hamilton
This is a three-month practical programme, delivered over three full-day in-person group interactive sessions:
3 April 2025
8 May 2025
5 June 2025
Followed by an optional one-on-one coaching session for each business to focus on the next steps virtual or in-person based on facilitator availability